How To add a power switch to a Xenyx 1202 mixer from Behringer

For my voice over work, I use a Xenyx 1202 4-channel mixer made by Behringer that doesn’t have a power switch. To power it on, the power cable from the transformer has to be inserted every time and unplugged to power the mixer off. This is rather annoying as I don’t understand why they didn’t add a switch when they designed the mixer.

Putting switch close to power jack

My idea is to add a power switch as close as possible to the power jack.

The first step is to disassemble the back of the unit and have a look at how the power is connected to the mixer. With the cover off, I measured the depth available from the edge of the PCB to the outside case.

Measuring depth from PCB to outer cover

I then measured the voltages with the power cable connected. The voltage that comes in is 36VAC that is center tapped to give two 18VAC rails. After consulting with some folks on the EEVBlog, I decided to connect a Double Pole Single Throw switch in between the two AC signals and leave the center tap alone.

Measuring incoming voltage

With the plan in place, it was time to disassemble the mixer completely. With the mixer disassembled, it was time to verify that the switch would fit in the position I wanted.

The Xenyx 1202 disassembled

I then measured the position of the switch so I would know where to cut out a hole. With the measurements complete, I taped off the area so it would be easier to see the cutting.

Taping off the area to be cut

Using my rotary tool and a cutting disk, I made the cutout for the switch. I removed the bit of steel from the outer case with some pliers and a screwdriver. I then sanded the cutout with an abrasive stone and some hand files.

Cutting through the case

With the hole complete, it was time to dry fit the power switch. I soldered some temporary wires to the switch. It was now time to remove the PCB mounted power socket. This took a while as the socket has a heavy ground plane.

Dry fitting the power button

I then soldered the wires from the switch to the power socket. And then it was time to fit the pcb back into the case and screw it in with a few top screws to make sure everything fit.

Soldering the power jack back to the PCB

Satisfied that all fit well, it was time to solder the power socket back to the PCB but without the power pins making contact. I then screwed back on a few more of the screws. With the top section screwed back on, I now connected the wires coming off the switch to the PCB where the socket used to make contact. I also put down some double sided tape to both insulate the wires and to stick them down.

Soldering the wires from the switch to the jack
Testing the newly installed power switch

Xenyx 1202 High Resolution PCB Photos

Xenyx 1202 PCB Front
Xenyx 1202 PCB Back


audio, behringer, how-to, mixer, xenyx 1202

Penny for your thoughts

  1. Zeno says:

    Sorry for the necro-comment but I just got one of these a month ago. Got a link to that switch? Most DPSTs are not shallow enough to fit.

    1. made2hack says:

      I believe it is something close to this, granted this link is DPDT.

  2. Sabelo says:

    Hi there man, I’ve been looking and looking to find a solution as well for my small XenyX502 that doesn’t have a power supply. Now I don’t know any electronics. Is there a way to replace it with a DIY one please help if you can man please.
    I’m from South Africa

    Thanking you in advance

    1. made2hack says:

      Hi there,

      Thomann in Germany has a power adapter for 12 Euros. If they ship to South Africa, you’re in luck. I’ve attached a link. You may want to confirm it is compatible, but to me it looks like the one you need.

  3. Don says:
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    Hi…I have the same Xenyx 1202 4-channel mixer made by Behringer I have a big problem wen I plug in the power cord it doesn’t come ON at all it use to but not anymore…Do u have any idea why
    Thank you

  4. Sergey says:

    Hello! I have a xenyx 1002fx with a broken connector. I need to know what voltage comes to which contacts on the board. Could you help me with this?

    1. made2hack says:

      Hi, I believe it is 18VAC to each of the side terminals and GND to the middle as in my video.
      But I don’t know for sure.

  5. cara says:

    How about changing the power supply itself? I have a Eurorack ub802 and Xenyx502 that use the same power supply. The only reason why this company has this crappy power supply is they know it’s going to break and its a cash cow for the company. I noticed that all of the cheaper mixers have this crappy power input. If you started a business replacing them you’d had a lot of business. Please post a video on how to change the power supply to something more standard and not proprietary.

    1. made2hack says:

      I would have to find something standard that would work, maybe something with an inline power switch.

  6. Phil Holmes says:

    Thanks for this. I am going to hard wire the power supply into the board as I keep breaking the prongs inside the power connector. The power switch is a great idea. Came standard with my Yamaha personal mixer, no idea why it should be extra on this board. Cheers.

    1. made2hack says:

      I’m very happy it was useful to you. I can’t think about the reason either (except cost), but I had to add a switch as it was so annoying.

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