What’s in a name?
Maker, Hacker, Creator? All of the above? This website is my way of giving back and contributing to the strong DIY / Maker / Hacker community that currently exists all around the world. Driven in large part by the inspiration gained from other YouTube creators, I wanted to contribute my own projects and stories to this wonderful community. To share with you what I’ve learned that you may also be inspired to make something, to hack something or to just simply create.
Who am I?
Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one
Hacker and hobbyist, programmer, maker. I love getting into the intricate details of the processes (industrial or otherwise) that go into making an object, a system, a machine or a tool.
Who is this website for?
If you are a hobbyist (electronic, wood working, maker, etc), a DIYer, an artist or just someone who likes to learn new things, than this website is for you.
Can I use your plans / software / content?
Plans and software uploaded to the website is intended to be downloaded and shared by people. I will endeavor to release and share my work as Open-Source Hardware and Free or “Libre” software (as per GPL ethos) so that you may use it and make derivative works of your own without any restrictions whatsoever.
I do however reserve some rights to the content on this website, in particular to the Logos of the website and the images and videos posted on the website. You can share the images and videos posted on this website elsewhere for non commercial purposes and with no changes made to the original works as long as you attribute (credit and link back to this website) the works. Same goes for the logos although you may want to ask before using the logos elsewhere.
Cheers, Eddie P.
Latest Projects
- Epoxy Granite Vise - Emmas Toolmaking Competition 2018
- 350W Brushless DC Hover Board Wheel Motor
- Cleaning & Repairing New Old Stock Soviet Precision Level
- Made 2 Hack - Retro Intro
- Epoxy Granite / Epoxy Quartz Mixes and Tests
- Hackaday Prize 2018 Announcement
- Traditional Japanese Woodblock Print Framing
- How To Build a DIY SMD Reflow Oven
- Replacing Ball Bearings on Electric Induction Motors
- Electronics Workbench LED Lighting Upgrade